Culture change is a critical part of innovation. Key shifts in the way we relate to the concept of the individual and community are shaping everything from business to government. Examples of this kind of cultural innovation include the Occupy movement, which reframed the individual’s relationship to increasing government regulation.
Social media is changing our cultures by providing a tool for people to update each other and spread new ideas globally in a matter of clicks. Most of us have experienced big shifts in our day to day life because of the transparency of social media. Globalization, meanwhile, is creating so-called ‘hyperdiverse’ cities, where the compelling draw of urbanization brings a rich soup of innovative potential together—but also forces intense questions about class, privilege and sustainability.
Meanwhile, digital natives—the children and young adults who grew up with pervasive access to knowledge and global communication tools—challenge our fundamental conceptions of what it is to be human. Do we have to be connected to the web? How will we keep up with (and make a good future for) our children?